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Iron Sharpens Iron

While I live in the United States and in North America, I have had a keen interest in Africa for decades. My oldest daughter lived in Africa for a few years when she served in the Peace Corp and another daughter lives there now as they work with the U.S. Department of State. There was an African proverb that I came across from many years ago that says: “It takes a village to raise a child.” Part of that proverb means to me is that it takes many people to mentor and guide a child to reach its full potential.

I think the same is true in real estate investing. If you want to reach your full potential in real estate investing, you need the help of many people. That, of course, means that you need a team of professionals such as an attorney, tax advisor, accountant, property inspector, real estate agent, contractor, and many more. Yet, I think that you need a trusted group of peers and mentors for whom you can get feedback, counsel, and assist you.

For several years, I have been a part of a real estate mastermind. Every month, we come together for a day to share details of our personal and professional lives. We spend that time growing in our relationship with one another and learning from one another. Sometimes, we offer counsel to one another. Other times, we receive counsel from one another. I count the members of that group as trusted friends.

Are you a part of a master mind group in your real estate investing business? Do you have others who you can learn from and can learn from you? I commend the possibility to you. As the book of Proverbs in the Bible puts it in the Bible: “Iron sharpens iron.” It will help you grow as a person and help your real estate investment business to grow. Best wishes in all your real estate pursuits.- R.L. Wall

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